sabato 14 aprile 2007

Necrodome Cheats

  1. Press T to bring up the textbar and enter the codes in the text bar followed by the enter key to execute them
  2. ALREADYGOTONE givess access to all combat arenas
  3. ANTIOCH kills all opponents in one stroke
  4. CAMELOT successfully completes any arena
  5. COCONUTS gives you a strange looking mode named linear mode
  6. EXCALIBUR gives you ALL weapons
  7. GIMMESOMESUGARBABY gives you all the guns and gear
  8. GRAIL gives you the arena flag.
  9. IGOTBETTER gives you maximum health
  10. KNIGHT gives you invulnerability
  11. RABBIT gives you full shields
  12. SHRUBBERY gives you all the gear in the game
  13. SMALLROCKS reloads all your guns
  14. SWALLOW gives you all the gas you can carry
  15. UNLADENSWALLOW gives you an infinite suppy of gas
  16. VERYSMALLROCKS gives you an infinite suppy of ammunition

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