sabato 14 aprile 2007

Dark Forces II: Jedi Knights Cheats

    Full Game Codes

  1. thereisnotry --- Level Skip
  2. whiteflag * ---- disable AI 0/1
  3. deeznuts ------- force level up
  4. eriamjh -------- fly
  5. jediwannabe * -- invulunable 0/1
  6. red5 ----------- all weapons
  7. wamprat -------- all items
  8. yodajammies ---- mana
  9. raccoonking ---- uber jedi
  10. imayoda -------- light master
  11. sithlord ------- dark master
  12. 5858lvr -------- show all map
  13. slowmo * ------- slow motion 0/1
  14. pinotnoir * ---- restart level with current weapons 0/1
  15. warp ----------- possibly used for level warping...
  16. Type kill to kill your self. From: Jon K Krasko

    * mean put 0 or 1 after code
    0 = off
    1 = on

    Cheat Codes for Jedi Knight DEMO

    type " on" after hitting "t" for the command prompt:

  17. God Mode: jediwannabe on
  18. Fly: eriamjh on
  19. All Weapons: red5 on
  20. All Items: wamprat on
  21. Next Level of force: deeznuts on
  22. Health: bactame on
  23. Artifical Intelligence off: whiteflag on
  24. Slow Motion: slowmo on
  25. Next Level: thereisnotry on
  26. Master of Light: imayoda on
  27. Master of Dark: sithlord on
  28. Full Map: 5858lvr on
  29. Full Mana: yodajammies on

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